dwfrantz or danwillie

NOT Sure of AI and SEO is a changing target

I know I am going to take a hit from Googor and Microft, but as long as they control the internet, it will never be free! I write what I want.

DW Frantz

My home in Virginia Today




Pray for USA Today

Americans Pray for USA Today

We need Salvation First- Get Right with God First


No matter what I say politically in this site, Christ’s Death, Burial, and Ressurection as Paul speaks of in 1 Cor 15:1-4 is the only path I pray for each of you. I have put my heart and soul into this site. Rightly Dividing the Word of God is essential to me. But more so is my Salvation. As individuals in Christ and a part of the body of Christ Jesus, I respect each person’s saving faith in Christ. My article Salvation and Rightly Dividing Gods Word – 2 Rightly Divide the Word. Below is an MP3 from Dr. J. Vernon McGee (ttb.org).  One must be careful of online tools to study God’s Word. I used to use You Verse. But there are no resources on Paul. Without Paul’s epistles, a deepening Faith in Salvation is not possible.

Danwillie’s Hub – Mastoson