dwfrantz or danwillie

NOT Sure of AI and SEO is a changing target

I know I am going to take a hit from Googor and Microft, but as long as they control the internet, it will never be free! I write what I want.

DW Frantz

My home in Virginia Today






To Rightly Divide the Word



To Rightly Divide the Word of God is an activity guided by the Holy Spirit, Bible reading and Prayer. A lifetime commitment to Studying your Bible, the Word of Truth. But first of all, Faith is needed unto Salvation by way of Christ’s death on the Cross, burial, and God’s Power thru Resurrection before one can understand rightly dividing the Word. The Bible is God’s inspired book to save Man from Sin thru the Blood of Christ on the Cross. He Closed one chapter and open a new chapter, with this Age of Grace, and the Body of Christ. John 19:30 “It is Finished” He paid it all. We need to Know that Grace of the Holy Spirit in us. Faith and Faith alone in Christ Jesus’ Work on the Cross.

Danwillie’s Hub – Mastoson